So much has happened since our last update! It took Evangeline several hours and multiple seizures (with a little help from some medicine) to finally settle down and rest with the mask on her face. She was truly not a fan, but I don’t know if I would be able to rest with a scuba mask strapped to my head blowing gusts of air into my eyes and entire face! The good news is that Evangeline, again with the help of some medicine, was able to rest with the mask on over night. The doctor came in this morning and declared that it was time to take the mask off and put her on a high flow oxygen machine. She continues to improve and is weaning down steadily lower on the level of oxygen required. We are so very grateful for this miraculous progress! I was even able to bring up that beloved word “home” today to the doctor. He did not deliberate long before saying that he thought Saturday or even tomorrow late in the day could be a possibility. How can I express to all of you my joy to be discussing going home at this point when such a short time ago I was preparing my heart and our family to say goodbye to our precious little girl?!? My heart is full as I think about the miracles that He has worked in Evangeline in the last week or so. I am grateful for the loving care that we have received from so many doctors and nurses here in the PICU. I am grateful for all of your prayers, encouraging words, and sustaining meals given to our family. We are blessed to be part of such a caring and supportive community! Most of all, I am grateful that the Lord has walked every single step with us through this. I can truly testify with David in Psalm 23:4 that even “though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me”. If you do not yet know the love of God Who “so loved the world that He gave His only Son” Jesus Christ as our Savior, there is no better time than right now to come to Him. If I can play any part in that for you, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

Thank you for your continued prayers! It can get particularly tricky for Evangeline when she gets healthy enough to recognize and become distressed over the fact that she is in the hospital but not yet healthy enough to go home. Seizures and neurological activity during that stressful period can actually reverse her progress and keep us in the hospital longer. It has happened before, and we ask you to join us in praying that it does not happen this time. If she is healthy enough, we would love to go home tomorrow and sleep in our own beds. God is good. We continue to trust Him as we walk this journey.

1 thought on “Update 2022-12-15 5:40 PM

  1. Jennifer Jenison says:

    She is so sweet looking. I am keeping up to date with your blog. Continuing to keep your family in my thoughts and prayers.

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