As I sit by my daughter’s bedside waiting for the end to inevitably come, I watch thinking of the immense love I have for her. How can a little girl who is incapable of any “normal” physical activity – like running, smiling, or even pouting – be breaking my heart into so many pieces?

I wish I could take away all the pain and suffering. But God didn’t give me that assignment. My assignment was to be a steward of this precious, beautiful girl for a brief 6 years here on Earth. It’s a privilege that I am thankful for and, yet, ever so challenging. The assignment to take away pain and suffering was given to Jesus Christ. He will do that for her in the not too distant future. For now, I must continue to pour out the love for her that He has deposited in me.

I wish that, at any moment, Evangeline would wake up and be the vivacious, precocious 6 year old we all think she would be. I have lived several years now hoping and praying for a miracle of physical healing. For whatever reason, God has chosen not to grant that request here on Earth. Does that mean He is not good? It may be easy to think so but I believe the answer is no. She has challenged us – just like her middle name says – to have Faith in the plans of the Almighty even though we can’t understand His purpose.

Without a doubt, we can say that we would not be the family we are today without Evangeline. Without any specific action on her part, God has used her to transform each of us in some ways we understand now and some ways we won’t realize until sometime in the future. And, really, isn’t that the best gift she could have given us? We love her with all our heart and, through the process, God uses her to change us into His image. Sounds like a pretty important job for a severely disabled little girl!

Run on home to your Heavenly Father, Evangeline. We will always love and miss you deeply!



The doctor’s are keeping Evangeline comfortable as we wait.  It is clear to all of us that her brain is not capable of sustaining the processes necessary to keep her alive.  Everyone on her team has the goal of a peaceful end.  Please pray that God’s mercy will continue with us through this process.

18 thoughts on “Update 2022-12-19 3:30 AM

  1. I am in constant in prayer for all of you. We were with the Mahy’s on Saturday when we saw your text around 11:00pm. We started praying for Evangeline. As we were praying God gave me a picture of Evangeline in a field running and laughing as she played with a white lamb. I could tell she loved the little lamb and the lamb loved her. It was the most beautiful vision God has ever given me.
    Love all of you very much.

  2. Sandy Christman says:

    Oh Dad and Mom you have been given a large and difficult task. One only for someone with strong faith can handle. You understand that our children are lent to us by God too care for them on earth before returning to our heavenly Father. The love that has been given to Evangeline will always be with the family, just not in the physical way you’ve cared for her. It breaks our hearts that the task of caring for her is coming to an end but all of you will continue to carry your love for Evangeline everyday. Rely on God to help all of you to carry on. We love all of you and are in our prayers.

  3. Your amazing little one has changed all of us and so have all of you! We are humbled and grateful to walk alongside you and honored to be called your friends. Your testimony causes all of us to pause and weep with grateful hearts for each one of the family members.

    Praying for peace and comfort that passes understanding. We love you.

  4. We are praying for Evangeline, and for your sweet family as you lean on the LORD . . . and praying for comfort. Your words of love are such a testimony of Gods heart. Praying. We love you.

  5. As the grandparent of a child with a physical disability I truly understand your questions as to why God has allowed this to happen. But just as you have said, we may never understand God’s plans or ways but we know he never makes mistakes and His ways are not our ways. Praying for this sweet girl. She will be healed soon. Praying that the Holy Spirit will flood you with peace beyond understanding.

  6. Auntie Jeannie & Uncle David says:

    Your precious, beautiful angel could not have asked for a better family than the one God chose for her. You’ve always said that you would do everything you could for her, and all of you have done that. We send you our love and prayers as God calls her Home. Feel His love surround you and comfort you, and feel His strength support you.
    You have been, and always will be, Evangeline’s Perfect Family.
    AJ & UD

  7. Evangeline and Your whole family have been in our prayers. There are no words to express how incredibly sorry we are for Evangeline and all of you to go through this. We are praying for comfort and peace and for the Lord to be with all you in most difficult time.

  8. Brandi Mattison says:

    Praying for your family during this time. Praying for God to strengthen you and sustain you through this very difficult time. Thank you for sharing, even in your grief and sorrow, the goodness of God with all of us. Evangeline, and her story , has reached far beyond those who have had the privilege know her and love her personally. Love the Mattison Family ( from Cullman AL)

  9. I don’t know you but I can Feel your pain. I can also hear the trust that you haven’t gotten. What a beautiful little girl. The best part is that she will have a normal body and normal function when she crosses a word and goes to heaven and you’ll all see her again. I pray God gives you the strength to let her go for now and continue on loving each other.

  10. Praying for you all. May the comfort of our heavenly Father be with each of you. May God be ever so close … 😔. Thank you for sharing Evangeline with us… She is precious and has made a difference in my life. Peace to you and your entire family.

  11. Brenda stewart says:

    My heart hurts for you all! Evangeline is so loved by you all and everyone that meets her! Praying for you and your family! ❤️

  12. Elizabeth Centers says:

    I cannot even to imagine the range of emotions that you and your family are going through. God us God is good and He gave Evangeline to the right family…a very loving and faithful one. May God be with you at this difficult time. We will keep you and Evangeline in our prayers.

  13. There really are no words that would adequately express how sorry I am that your family is going through this. My thoughts are very much with you.

  14. Jamison Knowles says:

    I’ve been praying the night shift for y’all, as much as I can at least. You are beloved. May God grant His amazing peace and mercy on your family. As much as we grieve for the pain and lost time she could’ve had here on earth, we also celebrate that Eva gets to be wrapped in a big hug from Jesus and play like she never has before.

    Please don’t hesitate to reach out for anything y’all need.
    With much love,
    Jamison K.

  15. Dad and Family, I am in tears as I read this beautiful post. God bless you all, He already has really! Who of us could share the love and care that you have for Evangeline? No, God knew she needed you all and that we all needed this testimony of love, faith and trust. My heart is broken but in the most beautiful way to know that this little girl has loved and been loved by you all, created by her Heavenly Father for a purpose much greater than most. God be with you all and bless you as you mourn and remember all the days spent caring for and loving Miss Evangeline. Today, she is with God and the angels!!! One sweet day you will be reunited with her. ❤️🙏 Much love from our Family to yours. -Sabrina

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