Evangeline has successfully been extubated this afternoon. She had a couple setbacks this morning that delayed her extubation. First, she had an oxygen desaturation event early this morning. Second, the IV in her arm became dislodged and was running fluids into her body rather than her vein. With these two issues the doctors wanted to wait through the morning to remove her breathing tube.
In the 1 o’clock hour Evangeline had several seizures fairly close together. It appeared to both Mom and I that she was awake enough to become stressed dealing with the continued presence of the breathing tube. We felt it was important to get her off the machine sooner rather than later. The doctors agreed and proceeded to remove her tube and place her on a BiPap mask. So, this afternoon, she is laying in bed looking like she is on a mission to outer space.
The working plan is to see how she does on the BiPap for about 24 hours and hopefully wean her tomorrow. Please pray that she can tolerate the mask and that she will continue to progress towards being able to breathe again on her own.
Darleen Maenche says:
So glad that she is making positive steps no matter how small. She does look like an astronaut in that mask! Will continue to pray for more steps forward.
Norene massey says: