Unfortunately, we had to take Evangeline to the ER late yesterday afternoon. She has been ill with sinus congestion for about a week now and rapidly declined today. When we arrived a whole team of doctors and nurses immediately jumped into action tending to her. She was far worse than was evident to us. The doctors were very concerned about her breathing. “This may not be survivable” is not something you want to hear about your child. Ultimately, the choice was to intubate her or let her pass. We were not prepared to lose her immediately and felt that intubation was important to give us time to think and potentially identify a cause for infection.
It is possible that much of this is neurological, and her brain is not able to help her other biological processes fight it off. While this situation seems dire, we are confident that the Lord is in control. As I prayed in the ER, I acknowledged that Evangeline is not our child. We are only her stewards while she lives here on earth. I am exceedingly grateful for her impact on our family.
Overnight she has remained stable through sedation. The doctors are testing if they can determine any underlying cause of illness. The results of a CT scan before moving to PICU last evening showed additional brain atrophy from her last MRI. While this is not good it is not unexpected given her condition.
Please pray for healing of our daughter and pray for wisdom as we make decisions and trust Him through this process. We appreciate everyone who has reached out to us!
Beverly Jarmusik says:
I am praying for your darling Evangeline. I forwarded to some of my friends. May your precious little girl find healing I. The loving hands of Jesus.
Karen Groff says:
We are praying for you and your sweet Eva. You know God has her in His strong and loving hands.
Karen and Jeff