Evangeline had a horrible overnight. She was cranky and crying for much of the evening – and she is not usually a cryer!! As you might imagine, this was very difficult to Mom to handle. Although Evangeline was exhausted she couldn’t settle down enough to sleep. By morning Evangeline had only gotten about an hour of rest.
This morning Evangeline had several clusters of seizures and we agreed with the doctors to try a different rescue med. We were hesitant to use this particular medicine because in 2018 it had wired Evangeline instead of helping her to rest. It appears that this time it has had the intended effect and Evangeline is currently resting.
The conversations with the doctors on the floor today have been helpful and there is a possibility that Evangeline could still go home today. Please pray that she will get the rest she needs. This is critical because when she is weary her seizure threshold is lowered. Thank you!
Auntie Jeannie & Uncle David says:
This has been an unimaginable ordeal for Evangeline and the family, especially for Michelle as she stays with Eva in the hospital, getting little rest. We pray Eva goes home today, and for all of you as you endure the ordeal together.
We know that Eva has the best family she could ever have been given. You are strong, caring, loving and faithful. You always have done and will do everything possible for Eva. Love and blessings to all. AJ & UD