Over the weekend we realized that Evangeline had gradually been having more difficulty breathing. It seemed to follow finishing up the antibiotic on Wednesday. By Sunday morning she was laboring to breathe and at times oxygen didn’t seem to help as much as we would like. After consulting with our care team, we implemented a heavy regimen of respiratory therapies. The hope was to reverse the downward trend and help Evangeline improve her respiratory function. Mom immediately laid out an aggressive schedule to follow. By the end of the day on Sunday, Evangeline looked much better.
The last few nights, Evangeline has done much better at being able to sleep more comfortably. It is not unusual for her to wake up in the middle of the night, but in prior nights she had been restless and uncomfortable. Since beginning the aggressive respiratory therapies, she has maintained a very good oxygen level at night and even slept without oxygen last night.
It seems that Evangeline is improving at a slow pace. Mom has reminded us that it took Evangeline a month-plus to get better after her previous hospital stay.
The rest of the family is doing well. The younger children are enjoying being outside during the beautiful weather we have been experiencing. The older children keep plowing ahead towards finishing up the school year. We are thankful that Dad’s employment has been unaffected by the pandemic.
We appreciate several families from church blessing us with meals during our transition back to “normal” life with Mom and Evangeline at home. It certainly helps to ease the burden of food preparation. You know who you are – thank you!!
Please pray for Evangeline to continue to get stronger and for her respiratory function to improve. Thank you for your prayers! We pray that He would return the blessing back to you!!