Evangeline had another relatively good day today. Her oxygen saturation levels are not improving as quickly as we might like but she is stable and still battling to get rid of the pneumonia. The doctors are still working on tweaking the meds to try and get the balance right for improving her seizure activity but also not have her be so sedated that she is inactive. This process is going to take several days. However, we are pleased that they can make adjustments very quickly since we are in the hospital.
One area that is being closely watched is her urological functioning. Prior to entering the hospital she already had difficulty with bowel movements. The last couple days she has not released her bladder in a regular fashion. A plan has been fashioned this afternoon to try and help improve this function.
One good piece of news: Evangeline moved one step down from PICU this afternoon. I think everyone feels that she is moving in the right direction currently. The progress is slow but we pray it continues.