The last 24 hours for Evangeline have been very good as she is trending in the right direction.  Her aspirational pneumonia is responding to treatment, and we are hopeful that she will be able to come home tomorrow.

Yesterday was a a bit of a roller coaster, so we are glad to see the current trend.  She woke up after a good night and seemed to be in good spirits.  Then she took a turn for the worse as the pneumonia flared up.  The effects of the illness hit her fast and hard.  In the afternoon, the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) doctor came to visit her because it looked imminent that she was going to have to move to his floor for additional care.  By that time she had received some antibiotics but extra seizures had left her tired and unable to give a strong cough.  During the doctor’s visit, Evangeline repositioned herself and coughed.  It turned out to be exactly what she needed!!  After observing this, the doctor had the medical team reduce her oxygen and her numbers held stable.  Since that time she has steadily improved.  It seems to be the Lord’s hand at work!

Thank you for your prayers.  We appreciate your love and care for us and Evangeline.  Please keep praying that she will continue to improve – the rest of the family is anxious to have Mom and Evangeline home!

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