Yesterday was a relatively good day because the whole family got to go up to the hospital and visit Mom and Evangeline.  We enjoyed spending time together even though it wasn’t exactly the Christmas for which we had hoped.

Overnight Evangeline did well and we were all hopeful that today would be the day that she would get to come home.  Unfortunately, this morning has not gone as planned.  Upon awakening Evangeline seemed agitated and Mom thought maybe it was due to her being ready to come home.  But, as the agitation continued and seizures occurred, it appears that other factors may be at work.  Based on her physical symptoms, and a recent lung x-ray, the doctors are concerned that she may have developed aspirational pneumonia.  This is always a danger for Evangeline because of muscle weakness in her upper chest and neck.

At this time the plan is to begin treatment for pneumonia with antibiotics and increased respiratory therapy.  Evangeline is currently on the regular care floor but her oxygen needs are near the max they can offer.  There is a potential that if she does not respond to these treatments as quickly as the doctors would like, or if her need for nursing attention increases that she would have to move to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. 

Thank you for your words of encouragement and prayers for our family!! We sincerely appreciate them.  Please pray that Evangeline would respond to these treatments and the pneumonia would not progress. 

5 thoughts on “Update 2021-12-26 11:15 AM

  1. Auntie Jeannie & Uncle David says:

    Keeping all of you in our prayers. This was definitely not the merriest of Christmases for your family, but it was where you needed to be. You are all strong in your faith and you know God will take care of you, Eva, and her medical team.
    Love and blessings, AJ & UD

  2. Drew Shumpert says:

    Stay strong friends! Little Evangeline will overcome this little hurdle and be home soon! Continued thoughts and prays are with you daily! Thanks for keeping us updated on your precious little one!
    God’s Got This!

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