Unfortunately Evangeline seems to be sliding downhill again. Her seizure activity has increased significantly over the past few weeks and she is less active and less verbal. We are responding with more aggressive respiratory therapies which seem to be helping. Our goal is to keep her respiratory function as high as possible in an attempt to avoid another hospital stay. We are consulting with our neurological team and hope to develop a plan moving forward as soon as possible.
One of the biggest frustrations with Evangeline’s situation is the constant ups and downs. We can never seem to arrive at a stable place. Less than 3 weeks ago she was laughing! The highs and lows are a challenge. However, we are confident that God has Evangeline in is His hands. Please pray that we can achieve more stable seizure control and pray for our family as we navigate this roller coaster ride.
Lexie Centers says:
Praying! Love you guys!
Dad says:
Thank you!! We appreciate it.
Charity says:
we will continue to pray for Evangeline. Please let us know what you need.
Dad says:
Thank you!
Susan says:
Praying and sending love. God has this. Your faithfulness as a family shines the light of Christ so brightly!
Heidi Cressley says:
Praying, M****** and family.
Ginger Bennett says:
Praying for Evangaline and the whole family!
Sending love and hugs!