Today was not the day we had hoped it would be. It started off promisingly with Evangeline being almost entirely weened off of oxygen. The doctors even considered sending her home today!

However, Evangeline spiked a fever out of the blue with no obvious cause. The first suspect was a urinary tract infection. The initial tests for that have come back negative. This threw a wrench into the plans because with no obvious reason for the fever the hospital is concerned that she may have the Coronavirus. Therefore, Evangeline and Mom have been re-quarantined late this afternoon. Mom must again wear all the protective gear to be around Eva. This evening we did receive the test results for respiratory illnesses other than Covid-19 – all negative. Hopefully the results of the re-test for Coronavirus will come back sometime tomorrow.

Evangeline is back on a higher level of oxygen and is generally uncomfortable. Mom is suspicous that this may all still be linked to a urinary tract infection. The lab will continue to grow the cultures and see if it eventually turns out to be confirmed.

Thank you for your continued prayers! Tonight, we would ask you to pray that Mom and Evangeline can get some rest. We sure would like to see Eva moving towards coming home again.

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