Over the weekend we realized that Evangeline had gradually been having more difficulty breathing. It seemed to follow finishing up the antibiotic on Wednesday. By Sunday morning she was laboring to breathe and at times oxygen didn’t seem to help as much as we would like. After consulting with our care team, we implemented a heavy regimen of respiratory therapies. The hope was to reverse the downward trend and help Evangeline improve her respiratory function. Mom immediately laid out an aggressive schedule to follow. By the end of the day on Sunday, Evangeline looked much better.

The last few nights, Evangeline has done much better at being able to sleep more comfortably. It is not unusual for her to wake up in the middle of the night, but in prior nights she had been restless and uncomfortable. Since beginning the aggressive respiratory therapies, she has maintained a very good oxygen level at night and even slept without oxygen last night.

It seems that Evangeline is improving at a slow pace. Mom has reminded us that it took Evangeline a month-plus to get better after her previous hospital stay.

The rest of the family is doing well. The younger children are enjoying being outside during the beautiful weather we have been experiencing. The older children keep plowing ahead towards finishing up the school year. We are thankful that Dad’s employment has been unaffected by the pandemic.

We appreciate several families from church blessing us with meals during our transition back to “normal” life with Mom and Evangeline at home. It certainly helps to ease the burden of food preparation. You know who you are – thank you!!

Please pray for Evangeline to continue to get stronger and for her respiratory function to improve. Thank you for your prayers! We pray that He would return the blessing back to you!!

Evangeline arrived home safely on Monday evening. Her oldest sister observed that she had a noticeable change in disposition at one point that evening. She seemed to relax upon realizing she was at home.

Evangeline did require a low level of oxygen the first night but has maintained satisfactory levels at night since then. We would like to see her be able to sleep more soundly during the night.

She continues to get stronger and is noticeably happier being at home. She is still having neurological events which we hope will improve as she gets stronger. We are also waiting to see exactly where her seizure activity settles on the new medicines.

We appreciate your continued prayers for her and our family!

We began this morning with negative test results for all respiratory illnesses including Covid-19! Mom was relieved to stop wearing all of the protective gear.

Eva has had no fever today. We are guessing that yesterday’s fever may even have been neurological!

We are awaiting the urinary culture to verify that Eva does not have a UTI. It is still a definite possibility that she does and might require further antibiotics, but the absence of fever seems to point away from that.

The big news is that Evangeline is being discharged today!! The doctors have given the green light for us to go home.

We are excited to be bringing Evangeline home and look forward to a time of better seizure control so that she can start getting stronger again.

We continue to appreciate your love and support and prayers! Thank you!

Today was not the day we had hoped it would be. It started off promisingly with Evangeline being almost entirely weened off of oxygen. The doctors even considered sending her home today!

However, Evangeline spiked a fever out of the blue with no obvious cause. The first suspect was a urinary tract infection. The initial tests for that have come back negative. This threw a wrench into the plans because with no obvious reason for the fever the hospital is concerned that she may have the Coronavirus. Therefore, Evangeline and Mom have been re-quarantined late this afternoon. Mom must again wear all the protective gear to be around Eva. This evening we did receive the test results for respiratory illnesses other than Covid-19 – all negative. Hopefully the results of the re-test for Coronavirus will come back sometime tomorrow.

Evangeline is back on a higher level of oxygen and is generally uncomfortable. Mom is suspicous that this may all still be linked to a urinary tract infection. The lab will continue to grow the cultures and see if it eventually turns out to be confirmed.

Thank you for your continued prayers! Tonight, we would ask you to pray that Mom and Evangeline can get some rest. We sure would like to see Eva moving towards coming home again.

Today has been a day of progress!

Eva produced three wet diapers completely on her own today, and we were finally able to help her have a significant bowel movement. She has got to feel better with all of that stuff out!

Eva has also spent several hours this afternoon completely off of oxygen. Such an amazing milestone! As the evening is coming on, she may require a low level of oxygen to help her sleep comfortably. This would not be a setback, and we anticipate being completely off of oxygen for good soon.

We have also been able to continue weaning down on two of Eva’s seizure meds without adverse effects. This is a huge win! The EEG has shown us that she continues to have seizures we cannot physically see, but today Eva enjoyed quite a bit of awake time with little seizure activity noted by Mom. Our goal is to reach a good balance between seizure control and alertness to achieve her best quality of life.

Your love and support and prayers mean so much to our family! Thank you!

Today was a good day. Evangeline got off the EEG. The neurologist believes we have learned what we needed to learn from it and no longer need it. Eva loves not having a bunch of wires glued to her head!

We believe we have reached a good level for the new seizure med and are currently weaning down on two of her old seizure meds.

Eva’s oxygen needs have stabilized and even lessened today. We are heading in the right direction!

Eva had quite a bit of awake time today and even had a bath. We are hoping for another good night of sleep.

We are still waiting for Eva to urinate on her own without our intervention and to have a bowel movement that she desperately needs.

Your continued prayers are so appreciated!

Evangeline had another relatively good day today. Her oxygen saturation levels are not improving as quickly as we might like but she is stable and still battling to get rid of the pneumonia. The doctors are still working on tweaking the meds to try and get the balance right for improving her seizure activity but also not have her be so sedated that she is inactive. This process is going to take several days. However, we are pleased that they can make adjustments very quickly since we are in the hospital.

One area that is being closely watched is her urological functioning. Prior to entering the hospital she already had difficulty with bowel movements. The last couple days she has not released her bladder in a regular fashion. A plan has been fashioned this afternoon to try and help improve this function.

One good piece of news: Evangeline moved one step down from PICU this afternoon. I think everyone feels that she is moving in the right direction currently. The progress is slow but we pray it continues.

Today has been a relatively good day. After experimenting with a couple new drugs overnight it appears the doctors have found one that is improving Evangeline’s brainwave activity. Now the plan is to attempt to get her on a dosage that will help her to maintain the improvements. We are all encouraged by this new plan. The strain of so much time at the hospital is catching up with Mom and she could use some good rest.

Please pray that the new treatment plan continues to work and for Mom to get some solid rest. Thank you for your continued support!!

Today has had its ups and downs. Evangeline did not have a great night as she was not tolerating lower levels of oxygen. After the oxygen levels were increased early this morning, she was able to rest comfortably again. The doctors indicated that they try to be fairly aggressive with decreasing the oxygen so this was not totally unexpected. The neurology team consulted with Mom and Dad this morning. It was suggested that Evangeline get on an EEG to take a look at how her brainwave patterns have changed these last few months. This was welcome news since we had determined that we would like an EEG. This afternoon shortly after Evangeline was hooked up to the EEG, the neurologist came for a visit. He indicated that Evangeline was experiencing near constant seizure activity. While this was not surprising, it was troubling. However, the neurological team was encouraged that they had, at the least, discovered a reason for what was presenting clinically. Therefore, tonight Evangeline will start a test dosage of a drug that we all are hopeful will improve the neurological activity.

One specific prayer request tonight – please pray for both Mom and Evangeline to get some good rest.

Thank you for your continued prayers. Our family is deeply appreciative of your care for us!!

Today has been a full day with some very positive steps. First, Eva has tested negative for the Coronavirus! Mom is thrilled by that! Second, the doctors have been able to decrease her oxygen to a level where she has been able to resume her feedings. She has successfully eaten late this afternoon and now begun her supper feeding. She is still not consistently stable at this lower oxygen level, so our guess is that we will not be weaning further tonight. She has been awake for a few hours early this evening and shown some neurological activity, which continues to be concerning. She is resting for now, which is a good thing!